When considering large domestic cat breeds there are several main groups to include, they would be the Siberian, the Maine Coon, the Ragamuffin, the Ocicat, Turkish Vans, and Pixie-Bobs. This list is by no means complete, but it is a good overview of different important breeds.
Siberian cats, the kings of the northern Russian wilderness are big cats, weighing around fifteen to twenty pounds, they have large eyes and look quite snakelike in appearance, their double thick coat was a necessity during their days back in the lonely wooded wilderness of Siberia and protects them from the cold to this day.
The Maine Coon cat is probably the largest cat breed around, with one of its breeds getting into the Guinness Book by being the longest cat in the world. These cats can get amazingly big, bigger than most small dogs. As you may have already surmised this breed is the state cat in the great state of Maine, you were right, nice work.
The Ragamuffin is a large cat, not the biggest, but bigger than most, they generally weigh in at about ten to fifteen pounds, they’re very sweet and friendly, and have a long-haired coat. The only drawback, if there is one to this breed, is that they tend to be very expensive to purchase. It wouldn’t be uncommon to buy one of these cats for $1,000 U.S.
The Ocicat looks very much like the wild Ocelot, from which it derives its name; these super cool cats have the spirit of a dog in a lot of ways – they’re not skittish, they love attention, and they like being around people. This makes them a very popular breed they can be trained to sit and speak like a dog – no fooling. It’s quite amazing to watch that.
Turkish Vans are a long-haired cats that will shed on you and your couch, which many people aren’t in love with, their coats are water resistant as well, but even though it is a long hair breed they are much more hypoallergenic than most breeds making them a good choice for the allergic.
Picture a Bobcat, now make them smaller in your mind, that’s what a Pixie-Bob sort of looks like a miniature Bobcat, a fierce predator of the wild only smaller. This domesticated cat grows large, averaging around 18 pounds and often growing even larger than that, of note is the fact that these cats have six to seven toes on each foot. Cool or creepy? You be the judge.
There you have it, an overview of large domestic cat breeds all tied up with a bow. Which one is best? Again, only you can judge that.