You love your Maine Coon Cat, and you want to socialize with other Maine Coon Cat Lover as well. There are many reasons for doing so – aside from the social aspect of it. When you associate with other Maine Coon Cat owners, you will learn a great deal of information, and you may even find a mentor to get you started with shows.
Cat shows are an excellent place to meet other Maine Coon owners. Here, you can not only see their cats, but you can also talk to them about their show preparation and how they care for their cats in general. Take the time to talk to the cat owners at these shows. There is a great deal to learn, and numerous contacts to be made. Carry cards with you that have your contact details on them.
Find out if there is a Maine Coon Cat club in your area. You may be surprised to find out that there is. Talking to the breeder in your area – or as close to your area as possible – is the best way to find these clubs. In most cases, the breeder will be a member of the club and can give you contact details and information for joining.
Contact national organizations that have local branches as well. This is another way to connect with Maine Coon Cat owners in your area. These organizations typically hold regular meetings. You should become a member of these organizations, as a Maine Coon Cat owner.
There are numerous online resources for connecting with Maine Coon Cat owners around the world as well, and you should take advantage of those resources. Many of the organizations maintain email lists, but you can find a slew of email lists devoted to Maine Coon Cats through Yahoo Groups as well.
Be prepared for an onslaught of mail if you don’t choose the daily digest feature! These lists have many members who are conversing and sharing information throughout the day, and there will be a great deal of email in your inbox. It is a good idea to set up an email account especially for these lists as well.
Ask your breeder about other Maine Coon Cat owners in the area. Often breeders keep up with the people who adopt their kittens. The breeder will maintain the privacy of the other owners, but you can give him your contact details and ask him to share them with his other clients. You can also ask your veterinarian to give your contact details to other Maine Coon Cat owners who are his clients.
Maine Coon Cats are a special breed, and a special breed of humans is owned by them. Again, it is a good idea to meet other Maine Coon Cat owners, share information, and develop lifelong friendships based on a common interest. You may have to do a little work to find the Maine Coon Cat owners in your area, but they are there if you look for them!